Danat Al Reef KitchenfixDanat Al Reef KitchenfixDanat Al Reef Kitchenfix
+971 52 985 7479
Danat Al Reef KitchenfixDanat Al Reef KitchenfixDanat Al Reef Kitchenfix

About Us

Who are we?

About Danat Al Reef Kitchen Fix

DANAT AL REEF KITCHEN FIX was established on 27th of December 2018 based on Sharjah inspired by professional skilled, time served, and fully experienced, highly qualified engineers who aim to maintain commercial kitchen equipment on their good working condition.

Our Vision

To provide every client’s satisfactory service, repairs and maintenance of all commercial kitchen equipment of hotels and restaurants of UAE and beyond.

Our Mission

Our Goal

To be the most trusted kitchen equipment service, repair and maintenance in UAE and beyond.

See how we work with touch of experience

Why choose us

Trusted and qualified

We aim to increase the efficiency and life span of your commercial kitchen equipment through schedule Planned, preventive maintenance servicing and designed kitchen activities to fully prevent the numbers of breakdown and will be created specifically based on your requirement.

24/7 Emergency Breakdown Support

We provide complete support for emergency repairs of breakdown in the Kitchen of hotels and restaurant all over UAE.

Affordable Annual Maintenance Contract

We provide a suitable budget for planned, preventive maintenance scheduled on a quarterly basis.

Our service team of engineers are available 24/7 on call basis to respond for emergency support or emergency breakdown of kitchen equipment. We also offer annual maintenance contract with schedule Planned, preventive maintenance on quarterly basis. We attend site visit within 24hours upon request via call or email and provide the proposed contract on same-day as possible.

For 24/7 emergency support, please do not hesitate to call: 052-985-7479 & 050-835-9779.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)